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Low orbit Ion Cannon-低轨道离子加农炮

精品收藏 admin 29481次浏览 已收录 6个评论

金刀客(@goldsworder) FBI都惧怕的东西,当鱼叉导弹,空中袭击甚至核武器都失败的时候,我们选用LOIC!全称是低轨道离子加农炮。强悍的DDOS TOOLS!

It is an app written in C# and developed by praetox that was exploited during Project Chanology to facilitate DDoS attacks on Scientology’s webservers.
The program itself doesn’t control any botnets or the like (at least in its original iterations), but is intended to be used in very large groups, often organized in IRC channels. It was originally written to work only in Windows but has now been adapted to work on other platforms as well. Newer versions also include an option to connect to an IRC server and have users of a channel control the client software to further automate attacks.
It is not advisable to use this software, as it facilitates DDOS attacks, which are considered illegal by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies.

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  1. dz
    ak492013-01-08 08:51 回复
  2. 我有了。 非常之不错呀。
    Yuker2012-05-15 00:23 回复
  3. 我发现没有链接 金先生
    蒋先生2012-05-07 23:02 回复
  4. 怎么没有下载的连接??
    未来我先来2012-04-27 19:57 回复
  5. 应该不用的吧
    admin2012-03-15 18:08 回复
  6. 好东西,下载一个,结果发现压缩文件,要密码,打不开!!
    songzg2012-03-15 06:41 回复