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What should I do now for future?

重点关注 admin 10433次浏览 已收录 1个评论

What should I do now for my future? It is a difficult question worrying around me for a long time. I don’t know what I should do and what I can do, as everybody known, if you want to attain a achievement, you should spend a large number of time and energy to ready for it and try you best to strive for your attainment. However, do you think this situation that your plan may cost your 3 key years and you can’t predict the result of the action? It may fortunately success or ominously failure. Can you withstand the pressure from your heart? The 3 years maybe the most important time in your life like your graduate progress. I have no chance and power to waste the 3 years and also I don’t know how to use it effectively and powerful.Because I think I don’t have my goals and the situation benefited around me.
There is no doubt that people are very interested in rank, fame and so on. of course, I am one of those as good as others without exception. I have to make a frank confession of my dreams. I hope that I would be training to become a biologist after ten years at all costs and now I have started my life boat on the confession ocean, no light, no goal. But I don’t never think to give up my dreams because it is my fate boat, the last boat.

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  1. 第三行 try your best Wish you everything will be Okay!!!
    admin 于 2010-04-16 06:19 PM 回复
    xadmin2010-04-16 13:21 回复