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  • 2019,春节快乐!


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Passion is sweet
Love makes weak
You said you cherised freedom
So you refused to let it go
Follow your faith
Love and hate
never failed to seize the day
Don’t give yourself away
Oh when the night falls
And your all alone
In your deepest sleep
What are you dreaming of
My skin’s still burning from your touch
Oh I just can’t get enough
I said I wouldn’t ask for much
But your eyes are dangerous
So the thought keeps spinning in my head
Can we drop this masquerade
I can’t predict where it ends
If you’re the rock I’ll crush against
Trapped in a crowd
Music’s loud
I said I loved my freedom too
Now im not so sure I do
All eyes on you
Wings so true
Better quit while your ahead
Now im not so sure I am
Oh when the night falls
And your all alone
In your deepest sleep
What are you dreaming of
My skin’s still burning from your touch
Oh I just can’t get enough
I said I wouldn’t ask for much
But your eyes are dangerous
So the thought keeps spinning in my head
Can we drop this masquerade
I can’t predict where it ends
If you’re the rock I’ll crush against
My soul, my heart
If your near or if your far
My life, my love
You can have it all
Oh when the night falls
And your all alone
In your deepest sleep
What are you dreaming of
My skin’s still burning from your touch
Oh I just can’t get enough
I said I wouldn’t ask for much
But your eyes are dangerous
So the thought keeps spinning in my head
Can we drop this masquerade
I can’t predict where it ends
If you’re the rock I’ll crush against
If you’re the rock i’ll crush against

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